Starling develops the full spatial stack, from start to finish.
Starling takes a synthesis approach, implementing computational systems and regenerative design strategies to develop sustainable solutions holistically. At Starling, we strive to provide the building industry with smart systems that unleash the power of computational design and accelerate the transition to a regenerative environment. We understand that design and engineering processes aren't just built around static parameters, but rather on the dynamic relations between people and processes. We select the most appropriate methodology based on the conditions of each project to ensure an effective outcome. We involve our clients and partners in a continuous process of discovery and exploration, offering flexible systems that vary in scale and approach.

Valuescapes Insight
Valuescapes is a spatial insight instrument that explores the otherwise hidden values within our landscapes and investigates the impact of an area-based vision of environmental strategy, planning and development. The instrument delivers comprehensive assessments for regenerative development that ensure a full understanding of the conditions in which a project is operating. Valuescapes interprets our environment in terms of its intrinsic potential using a three-dimensional landscape of values in which the qualities and opportunities per location and for all stakeholders are mapped and visualised. The framework uses geospatial processing to fuse bigdata and machine learning to enrich information and gain live insights into spatial value in term of the social, ecologic and economic capital. This combined understanding informs spatial planners to make our surroundings more sustainable, resilient, biodiverse, liveable and healthy. This is the beginning of a valuable future!
Valuescapes provides insights into spatial value streams.

Fleye Insight
Fleye is system that deeply integrates the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs or drones) in spatial insight and design processes. Its capabilities range from site analysis to creating awareness and excitement for a completed project. Fleye can create insightful perspectives, scalable aerial maps and full-colour digital terrain models of a site at a better resolution than traditional surveying techniques. This significantly increases the quality and currency of early site planning and final project documentation. Fleye can be configured with traditional BIM and GIS software and experienced using VR and projection mapping tools for flightpath planning and improved project integration.
Fleye provides a bird's-eye view of your project using advanced drone technology.

Synapse Insight
Synapse is an intuitive and intelligent mapping dashboard for spatial developments. It gives insight into the relations between spaces and stakeholders throughout the life cycle of a project, from the early stages of conception to the management of the built environment. Synapse allows you to bind project data to enticing and insightful data visualisations. Through the dashboard new patterns, potential relationships and opportunities for improvement emerge. Synapse allows you to optimise your project processes and streamline your communications with stakeholders.
Connect and Communicate

PIP (Positive Impact Passport) Strategy
In we truly want to develop future-proof environments, we need to not only do less damage and close circles but see ourselves as stewards of the living ecosystems around us. In other words, we must go beyond the Life Cycle Assessments of materials and evaluate how we can catalyse the Cycle of Life that flows through them. PIP enables us to create a thriving future by offering a qualitative and quantitative measurement instrument that accelerates the development of regenerative landscapes. PIP is applicable to spatial development at all scales, such as materials, building components, installation systems, buildings, infrastructure, landscapes, neighbourhoods, and cities. PIP is developed in collaboration with the Scape Foundation
PIP (Positive Impact Passport) is an evaluation system for regenerative environments.

Flock Strategy
Flock is our library of generative, genetic and neural algorithms built on natural principles and behaviour. This collection of connected simulation modules enables us to predict and design the built environment of the future. We employ the embedded wisdom of bird swarms to find design solutions, wolf packs to narrow down economic opportunities, ant colonies to model spatial flows of value, fireflies to streamline sensor communications and the neurons in the human brain to discover patterns.
To build the future, you must see it first!

D4 (Data-Driven Design Directive) Design
Big spatial data is increasingly a cornerstone in the development of our buildings, cities and landscapes. D4 offers tangible best practices for designers with the wealth of data available, its honest and transparent translation and integration into design processes. The directive outlines a cyclical process, in which continuous assessments identify whether the data and designs conceived meet all requirements. D4 is developed in collaboration with the Dutch professional bodies of spatial design; the BNA, BNSP and NVTL.
D4 (Data-Driven Design Directive) is an open-source reference guideline for designing with data.

Imagine Engine Design
The Imagine Engine is an intelligent design framework that sparks the imagination and generates new forms of creativity at an accelerated speed. This set of imaging tools utilises a combination of customized third-party and in-house developed artificial intelligence frameworks to push the boundaries of conventional design methods. Its capabilities range from inspiration automation, the on-the-fly creation of mood boards, style transfer mapping, to project visualisation assistance. With the Imagine Engine, your company gets an additional and well-integrated creative communications department.
The Imagine Engine uses artificial intelligence to enrich the design process and opens the door to a universe of infinite possibilities.

Chameleon Design
Chameleon allows your customers to customize and visualize your products. This cutting-edge 4D design suite will drive customer interaction to the next level. It's capable of pushing photorealistic product visuals to browsers and VR devices on demand. Enable you customers experience, download and integrate your product into their designs directly! It's built around an advanced parametric engine that ensures the integrity of your product. Our frontend allows clients to generate and download bespoke product configurations. Our backend can be directly connected to your on-premises facilities and integrated into your production pipeline.
Chameleon is our powerful 4D parametric configurator.

Darwin Design
Our parametric strategy and design systems can generate thousands of potential solutions. We developed Darwin to easily map these studies in a transparent multi-dimensional overview. The dashboard identifies the most performative and sustainable variations based on the criteria that are most important to your project. This allows you to quickly narrow down the design space in the early stages of a project. This makes Darwin the ultimate system for stakeholder participation and communications in complex projects that involve multiple parameters.
Darwin gives you overview and control in the evolution, participation and communication of design solutions.